Super Sale, get 20% discount on our Northern Light package. This is your time to experience the Northern Lights in Lofoten!
It is a myth that it has to be winter and completely dark to see the Northern Light dance on the sky. The Northern Light season starts earlier then you think. The last seasons we saw the first Aurora Borealis on the night between the 14th to the 15th of August.
All throughout the autumn of 2022 & 2023, the Northern Light was dancing on the sky and it was more red and pink then ever before. For the coming years, the intensity of the Northern Light will get stronger and happen more often due to a lot of solar flares! So now it is your chance to finally realize your dream to see the Northern Lights in Lofoten!
So bring your loved one or your family to Lofoten, to experience the skies magical dance!
The Northern Lights, also called Aurora Borealis, are nature's most spectacular light show. People come to Lofoten from all corners of the world to experience this light phenomenon. But what makes Lofoten one of the world's best destinations for experiencing the Northern Lights?
Did you know that the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, is always there, even during summertime? It is only because of the long bright nights from the middle of April to the end of August that the Northern Lights aren’t visible during these months.